
My Boyfriend

I feel like I'm in a really cheesy mood today so I guess I'm going to write about my wonderful boyfriend....Because I can.

I absolutely love him. Here are ten reasons:

  1. He is funny.
  2. He has amazing blue eyes.
  3. He likes the same music I'm in to.
  4. He understands me.
  5. He has a good fashion sense.
  6. He is the only one who has ever loved me.
  7. He worries about me way too much.
  8. He goes to the same college as me :)
  9. He never judges people.
  10. He is not afraid to stand out. Like me :D

Anyway, they are my Top 10 reasons why I love him.

I also love him for the way he cares about me. I love talking to him about anything. I find it hard to talk about my worries to him but eventually I let him know. He always tells me he loves me and I sometimes think that he is lying to me because I don't think I am that attractive but he always says that I am. I have now been dating him for nearly 6 months :D He is completely amazing and he has never told me that he doesn't love me xx I love you Dom xx

Be Yourself!

Right. I am about to rant. Be prepared.

I really really REALLY hate it when people try to be someone they are not. I don't mean they think they are all that or anything. I just hate it when they follow crowds and start up with a particular nasty habit, such as smoking/drinking on street corners, or bullying someone just because they are different. I know plenty that are like this and it drives me completely insane with the thought of it!

Why do they do it? It's not like it will get you any more friends than you already have, it just makes you more the enemy and sometimes even hated for it. It does NOT make you any smarter, prettier or popular.

I've noticed people do it when they get to a certain age, like about 11 or 12. So what? You have just started high school, you want to make new friends, that's cool. It won't make you cooler if you think 'well, I'm in high school, I'm big! I can do whatever I want and no one can stop me' WRONG!! Getting into trouble, thinking you are all that.....WILL get you nowhere! No friends, No life, No money or career when you leave school....No qualifications to get you there dude! 'But, my friends will think I'm a geek if I listen or pay attention' WRONG again! People will be more likely to be your friend if your smart.

So, you want to end up broke, homeless, friendless (and if your not that, you will be working in McDonald's for minimum wage)? Go ahead. It will be your loss dudes! All those years or handing out with the wrong crowd because you thought it would pay off in the end.

Being yourself is much cooler than being anyone else. Most of the time those being themselves get what they want out of life :D Just saying!